20th UPAAA Grand Reunion and Convention


August 30 - 05:00 pm


September 2 - 08:00 pm


Crowne Plaza San Francisco Airport (Burlingame, CA)

1177 Airport Boulevard

Burlingame, California, 94010

The UPAAA Convention and Grand Reunion is a biennial event designed to bring together UP alumni in North America to work towards the common goal of supporting our beloved Alma Mater in its mission to provide excellent and affordable public education to the best and the brightest minds in the Philippines.

It is also an occasion for UP alumni to honor their achievers and loyal members, recapture memories of campus life at UP, renew old friendships and forge new ones. As such, the UPAAA exists to explore possibilities of strengthening the relationship between US-based alumni and UP in their mutual quest for academic excellence and national development.

The 2019 UPAAA Convention and Grand Reunion will take place August 30-September 2, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza San Francisco Airport.

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